Sky's Gourmet Tacos

Category: Restaurants & Reviews
Published on Friday, 14 October 2011 21:39
Written by Dianne Lawrence

Sky’s Gourmet Tacos have aced the secret to a successful food hangout.

Popular food (tacos) given special attention (gourmet recipes with fresh ingredients and spices) at working gal/guy prices. Oh yes and location, location, location.  Situated in the heart of the up and coming Pico Shopping District with outdoor seating (for the dog friendly community) Sky’s serves up good portions making it a favorite stop for locals and a destination for people craving a good hearty gourmet taco.

Along with the signature Shrimp Taco (a local favorite) you can also choose from the filet mignon, lobster, mahi-mahi, salmon and talapia options. But Wait! There’s more! Vegan/vegetarians are not ignored with a full menu to choose from and Breakfast is a favorite with breakfast tacos and burritos and Southern Sauteed Apples.

Oh yes, everything is prepared without trans fact, lard, artificial additives or preservatives.

Mon. – Sat. 9am - 9pm;  Sunday – 9am – 7 pm   323.932.6253  5408 W. Pico, w. of Hauser