John McCallum aka Pee Wee

John McCallum aka Pee WeeOn March 10, drivers travelling along Adams, west of Crenshaw, were met with a remarkable site. Approximately 700 bikers representing motorcycle clubs from around the state converged on the Southern Memorial Baptist Church to pay respect to one of their own, John McCallum or as they knew him, Pee Wee.…

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Elena A. Brown Anthony 1948-2012

Elena A. Brown Anthony  1948-2012Elena A. Brown Anthony dedicated 37 years of  motivation, inspiration, and leadership to the progress and enhancement of student education in our community. She began a teaching career at James A. Foshay Junior High School then transferred to Susan Miller Dorsey High School where she advanced from English teacher to…

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Corinne Pleger

Corinne Pleger In late November 2011, community dynamo Corinne Pleger passed away unexpectedly.   Corinne was an award-winning costumer, expert ballroom dancer, volunteer extraordinaire, and a CPA and partner with Brakensiek Leavitt Pleger LLP.  She was a past president of West Adams Heritage Association, its longtime treasurer and CPA, and she coordinated…

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Walt Hazzard

Walt Hazzard Long-time Lafayette Square resident and basketball legend, Walt Hazzard, has died at age 69.   Local basketball legend Hazzard passed away on November 18t at UCLA Medical Center of complications following heart surgery.  After leading UCLA to John Wooden’s first national championship, the 6’2” point guard went on to coach…

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Gladys Wesson-Strickland

Gladys Wesson-StricklandOn June 29, 2011, Councilman Wesson’s mother, Gladys Wesson-Strickland passed away at Cedars Sinai Hospital after a lingering illness. She had a lifelong passion for community involvement and engaged in a variety of social and professional organizations throughout her life. The Neighborhood News sends heartfelt condolences to Councilman Wesson.

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Robert Leary, Passionate Preservationist

Robert Leary, Passionate PreservationistRobert Leary, a passionate preservationist and Los Angeles Conservancy member, passed away on January 23 after a long illness. A native of New Jersey, Leary received a bachelor’s degree from Niagara University in New York. He worked as an actor on the East Coast before moving to Los Angeles in…

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Vernette Honeywood

Vernette HoneywoodWest Adams resident and artist Vernette Honeywood passed away on September 12th after a two year battle with cancer. Honeywood’s artwork came to the attention of middle America when it was featured on The Cosby Show decorating the Huxtable’s living room, after Bill Cosby and his wife discovered her art…

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Israel Hicks, Founding Artistic Director of Ebony Repertory Theatre (ERT)

Israel Hicks, Founding Artistic Director of Ebony Repertory Theatre (ERT)               LOS ANGELES, Calif. (July 6, 2010) – Israel Hicks, Founding Artistic Director of Ebony Repertory Theatre (ERT), died Saturday, July 3 after a valiant battle with prostate cancer. He was 66. Mr. Hicks was the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of Ebony Repertory Theatre, the…

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Reverend Elliott James Mason Jr.

Reverend Elliott James Mason Jr.The Wilton Place Family of Neighbors and Country Club Park send their condolences to the family of Rev. Elliott James Mason Sr. who quietly passed away in his home after an extended illness. He was 88 years old and has lived on S. Wilton Place in the Country Club community…

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The Butterfly Memorial on Western Blvd. Overpass

The Butterfly Memorial on Western Blvd. Overpass  While idling on the Western Avenue, Santa Monica Freeway overpass, you’ve probably noticed a pretty memorial on the fence. A flutter with colorful butterflies, flowers, and balloons it stands in stark contrast to the noisy, gritty, gray transience of the 10 freeway below.  The site marks the death of…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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