Black Lives Matter CD10 Heroes: LEO BRANTON JR. 1922 - 2013

Black Lives Matter CD10 Heroes: LEO BRANTON JR.  1922 - 2013Originally Printed in Feb 2016 Issue # 46Leo Branton Jr. was a civil rights and entertainment lawyer who championed the underdog and lived in Lafayette Square. He was also father to Tony Nicholas who ran the now defunct Tom Bradley Youth and Family Center on Pico. Leo was 91 and…

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The Editor Discovers Her Remarkable Ancestors

The Editor Discovers Her Remarkable AncestorsI was born out of wedlock in 1951 to a beautiful Latvian immigrant woman, Inta Penka. In 1940 when the Russians invaded Latvia, my mother, a young teen, was immediately sent home from her ballet school in the city but the boat she took did not drop her off at her…

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Rosie Brown

Rosie BrownOn any given day and especially Sundays, Rosie Brown, Jefferson Park resident and United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council (UNNC) Outreach Chair can be found driving around the UNNC footprint and beyond using the free MyLA311 app to report illegal dumping and graffiti.  Long before 311 came along she was reporting…

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STEVE AND LISA VASQUEZThis Mid-City power couple and their children, work hand in glove to help their community. TNN: How long have you been married? Lisa:Thirty-one years. TNN: What drew you to each other when you first met? Steve:Lisa was beautiful and she still is, just a beautiful woman, and just a great…

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HUMMING ALONGThis April, long-time Lafayette Square resident Jennifer Johnson held a benefit luncheon at her home to raise money for her foundation, Hummingbirds, a philanthropic group founded by Johnson and her best friend Cathy Vanderford. It is composed of women and girls interested in promoting the wellbeing of children and women around…

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Wally Matsuura Life Long Kinney Heights Resident

Wally Matsuura Life Long Kinney Heights Resident TNN:   Wally how long have you lived in this house and how old were you when you moved in? Wally: Well we moved in, let's say '38 October, so I was about 7, I believe. TNN:   What was the racial mix of the community? Wally:There was covenant so only…

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JEWEL'S CATCH ONE NIGHTCLUB CLOSINGIt isn't often that a nightclub and a health clinic influenced by Eastern medicine are cordial neighbors, but that’s what residents will find on the corner of Pico Boulevard and Norton Avenue, just east of Crenshaw in Arlington Heights. Both businesses are owned and operated by long-time community member Jewel…

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How Conrad Jones is Making a Difference

How Conrad Jones is Making a DifferencePhotos by Dawn KirkpatrickThey practice at Queen Anne Park in Mid-City. They travel to events at various recreation centers throughout Los Angeles after being challenged by other teams. They are Mid-City’s Finest, a multi-ethnic basketball team composed of ten 9 and 10-year olds and one 11-year-old - Johnny Alvarado, Deshawn Dow, Paul…

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Pete Carter, A Film Historian in Mid-City

Pete Carter, A Film Historian in Mid-CityMore than 40 years ago, Pete Carter settled into the Mid City neighborhood having migrated here from Trenton, New Jersey. Pete is known for his astonishing collection of African American films covering the period of 1902 to1951 which marked the end of the Oscar Micheaux era – the African American author,…

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Zen Master Joshu Sasaki Roshi

Zen Master Joshu Sasaki Roshi  Celebrates 105th Birthday & 50 Years of Teaching in America On July 21st,  The Rinzai-Ji Zen Temple celebrated the 105th birthday of  the temple’s spiritual founder and leader, Zen Master Joshu Sasaki. They commemorated the 50th anniversary of his arrival in the USA. Festivities began at the Rinzai-Ji Temple at…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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Dianne V. Lawrence
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