Herb Wesson for Supervisor?? Why You Might Want to Read this First.

Herb Wesson for Supervisor?? Why You Might Want to Read this First.FIRST SOME BACKGROUND ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: According to Wikipedia, "In 1852, the Legislature created a five-member Board of Supervisors. In 1913 the citizens of Los Angeles County approved a charter recommended by a board of freeholders, which gave the County greater freedom to govern itself within the framework of state…

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Censorship or Crowd Control at City Council

Censorship or Crowd Control at City CouncilOn Sept.7, 2018 Councilman Herb Wesson, Mitchell England and Nury Martinez submitted the following motion for consideration on Sept 18 which was then moved to Sept. 25th and finally successfully voted on Oct. 2nd: "I MOVE, pursuant to Rule 77, that the Council adopt the following changes to the…

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President Wesson: LA's Fabricator-in-Chief

@THEGUSSREPORT Herb Wesson, the current LA City Council president (and former Speaker of the California State Assembly), forgot the adage always tell the truth because it’s the easiest thing to remember. This much we know. Herb Wesson lied repeatedly about where he lived. He voted where he should not have voted,…

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Council President Wesson's Mortgage Woes

Council President Wesson's Mortgage WoesReprinted with permission by CityWatchla.com Originally printed Aug. 18  Herb Wesson is one of the most influential and talented local lawmakers in the United States. As President of the Los Angeles City Council, former Speaker of the California Assembly, and recipient of a consistent and generous government paycheck and…

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16th Place Meets With Councilman Wesson

TNNhas been following the plight of 16th Place residents since they woke up one day in 2011 to face a wall raised up in one night by the developers of Midtown Crossing. The wall obliterated their valued views of the Hollywood Hills, something the developers and the City had promised…

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LA Times Report Card for Councilman Wesson

LA Times Report Card for Councilman WessonSome people have accused TNN of being overly critical of our government representative Councilman/President Herb Wesson and others have thanked us for keeping our Eye on him. On Aug. 2, the LA Times delivered a report card for the top four officials at City Hall: Mayor Garcetti, City Attorney Mike…

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Top 10 Excuses Councilman Wesson Might Give 16th Place

Top 10 Excuses Councilman Wesson Might Give 16th PlaceOn January 14th, 16th Place Residents, in an effort to get some kind of response from their elected city council representative Herb Wesson, regarding the serious degradation of their community by the Midtown Crossing Plaza and the now illegal signage overwhelming their views, went to an open-mike at City Hall…

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Eye on Wesson Continues...

TNN continues to place on public record the ongoing efforts of the 16th Place Neighborhood Association to get Councilman Wesson's help in mitigating some of the enormous harm done to their community when the Midtown Crossing shopping center erected a structure that violated agreements made with the community. This development…

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Dear Councilman Wesson

Sent to Councilman Wesson on Monday Sept. 23 Dear Councilman Wesson, Can you please explain the lack of response to the requests from 16th place regarding the "promises" you have made to them in their effort to have their city representative assist them with the important issues regarding the problems in their…

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Redistricting Woes, Shutting Down Public Comment and Striped Socks

Council President Wesson's redistricting woes continue to nip at his heels.  Attorney Leo Terrell, who has filed a lawsuit against the city, claiming race unduly influenced the redistricting process, has attempted to convince Attorney General Eric  Holder to investigate possible voting rights violations. Terrell specifically alleges that Councl President Wesson…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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Dianne V. Lawrence
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