WHOSE INTERESTS ARE BEING PROTECTED AT CITY HALL? As a resident of CD10, I keep witnessing how we, the people, the voters, the residents, are getting left behind. I see mega developments come into my district and push out long-time residents. When a mega development moved in, my friend’s rent went from $1,600 to $1,900.  She moved…

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Cash For Keys. Illegal Renter Buyouts

Cash For Keys. Illegal Renter BuyoutsMike just bought a 10-unit apartment building in Echo Park from the Garcias, owners since 1988. All 10 of the rent-stabilized, one-bedroom units were occupied at the time of sale by long-term tenants carrying over existing leases, most of who’ve been living there for over a decade. But Mike wants…

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Jan Perry. Women, Politics and Power

Jan Perry.  Women, Politics and Power Business Insider did a study in 2015 ranking the top 25 countries where women hold the most power. America didn’t make the list. According to Apolitical Group, of the top 10 countries around the world, where women are represented in the top echelons of power, four are from Latin America…

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Tenants Union: Eviction Notices

Notices on the door are scary. The language seems as if everything is already done and you’ve suddenly been evicted. That’s why it’s important to know that notices are processes, not endings.First and foremost, if you receive any of the following documents, respond immediately: ● 3-Day Notice to Perform or…

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Eviction. How and Why

Eviction. How and Why Last issue, we described how apartment units under L.A.’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO)—generally those in multifamily buildings built before 1978—have restrictions on raising rents.The other principal job of the RSO is setting terms for when a tenant can be evicted, aka “just-cause evictions”. The city allows fourteen…

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Is LA Creative Enough to Solve Homeless Crisis?

Is LA Creative Enough to Solve Homeless Crisis?Originally posted on CityWatchLa.com Sept. 25, '17Now that we’ve had two years of announcements, promises, photo-ops, budget proposals, ballot measures and votes all aimed at improving the plight of people with homelessness, have you noticed less homeless people on the streets? Or does it look like more of the…

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Back Door City Planning Meetings. You Aren't Invited.

Back Door City Planning Meetings. You Aren't Invited. For the first time in a generation, Los Angeles residents get to dream about their vision for the city over the next five years, in a highly public participation called a General Plan Update.Los Angeles is many years, and in some cases decades, behind the key U.S. Western Cities…

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Measure S

 An initiative to change the city's laws governing changes to the general plan and development projects, Measure S, will be on the ballot for voters in Los Angeles, California, on March 7, 2017. This initiative is known as the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative.A "yes" vote is a vote in support…

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Considering Measure S

Considering Measure SEditorialDevelopment in Los Angeles has been mushrooming like a forest floor in rainy season.   Spurred by the need for housing and donations,City Council can't rubber stamp requests from developers to overlook certain requirements guiding responsible growth (called Spot Zoning or Zone Change), fast enough. Instead they have allowed many developers…

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Developer Michael Hakim shelled out more than $1.2 million in campaign contributions, lobbyist fees and payments to City Hall trust funds until finally his controversial Koreatown skyscraper was approved by the LA City Council and Mayor Eric Garcetti. It didn’t matter that nearby residents and even LA’s City Planning Commission…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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Dianne V. Lawrence
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