Councilman Wesson Reaches Out to Neighborhood Councils

In some recent ‘Eye On Wesson’ reports, we explored the difficulties in the communication between Councilman Wesson’s office and some Neighborhood councils. We also reported on his efforts to create open channels between them. We promised to follow up and are happy to report this email from Councilman Wesson explaining the new changes…..

From Councilman Wesson:

In my continuing efforts to improve communications with the Neighborhood Councils (NCs) within CD 10, I have recently launched various initiatives intended to increase the flow of information between the Neighborhood Council officers and myself or my office.  We have been having our regular dinner meetings whereby I invite the Executive Boardmembers of all the Neighborhood Councils in CD 10 to discuss citywide issues, districtwide issues or issues unique to a particular NC.  While I have found these dinner meetings to be helpful, I have also been exploring and establishing other methods or forums of communication between the NCs and my office.  These include:


Periodic E-Mail Updates on “Hot” Topics.  You’ve read my periodic e-mail updates this year, most of which have to do with the medical marijuana dispensaries.  I will continue to do this on select issues without overloading your e-mail inboxes.

Online Community Calendar.  If you don’t already know, my office has added an online community calendar link on the CD 10 website where we can post community events.  This would allow us to share information on upcoming community events that are happening in CD 10 or would be of interest to the residents of CD 10.If you have events you’d like posted on the calendar, please e-mail the information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with the flier or webpage link.  (Please send the information to both in case one is out of the office.)  You may also give the information to any member of my staff or drop it off in my district office.

Neighborhood Council Breakfasts.  While the NC Executive Board dinner meetings I mentioned earlier is a good way to share and exchange information, they don’t allow us to get into an in-depth discussion of the issues that matter to individual NCs.  I felt that I really needed to spend more time with each NC.  Moreover, I wanted to get to know all the NC officers in CD 10, not just the Executive Boardmembers.  That’s why I came up with the idea of holding breakfast meetings with the full boards of each NC where I could spend quality time with each board to discuss whatever the boardmembers want to discuss.

So far, I’ve had meetings with five of the NCs in CD 10 and the feedback has been positive.  (For those of you who haven’t had the meeting yet, don’t worry, we’re working our way to you.)   Some of you object to holding a breakfast meeting and would rather do a regular meeting.  I have no problem with that.  Just let my staff know your preference when they schedule the meeting and they’ll work out the schedule with you.

Direct E-Mail Communications.  As some of you have heard me say before, I’m not a very tech-oriented person.  I don’t use e-mail very often.  However, to make it easier for NCs to communicate with me, I have decided to create a process in my office whereby NC Boardmembers can e-mail me at a specified e-mail address.  My assistant will then pass the e-mails on to me at the end of each day.  (Editors note: we have not included the address since it isn’t for general public).

If you have other suggestions on this matter you’d like me to consider, please let me know.  Thank you for your work for our community.

All the best, Herb

HERB J. WESSON, Jr.  Councilmember, 10th District

(213) 473-7010 City Hall    (323) 733-8233 District Office





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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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Dianne V. Lawrence
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