Top 10 Excuses Councilman Wesson Might Give 16th Place

wessonOn January 14th, 16th Place Residents, in an effort to get some kind of response from their elected city council representative Herb Wesson, regarding the serious degradation of their community by the Midtown Crossing Plaza and the now illegal signage overwhelming their views, went to an open-mike at City Hall and spoke to him directly:

"My name is Robert Portillo; I am here today representing the 16th Place Neighborhood Association and leaving a petition for you which reads:

During the first week of June 2011 we asked Mayor Garcetti, then City Council President, for his help regarding the development of Mid-Town Crossing and CIM, the developer – he suggested that since you were our Councilman, Wesson, we should work with you. You (Councilmember Wesson) have ignored us and today marks our 50th request for your help.

It has come to our attention that CIM, the developer of Mid-Town Crossing, has failed to obtain 11 signage permits required by Building Code, thus the signage is in non-compliance and flagrantly illegal, since July 12, 2013 – importantly, this signage was in violation in early October 2012 during its initial framing construction and when we appealed to you Councilmember Wesson to investigate (photos are on page 4 of the documents you’ve been handed).

As it is apparent that there has been no proper investigation, we the undersigned petition you to investigate these blatant violations, ensure that the law is enforced, and remove the illegal signage. This brazen disregard of public decency violates our privacy and derogates our quality of life by pitching commercial propaganda into our homes and neighborhood, and breeches the long established good relations between our small community and the other businesses nearby who have shown us the respect that is lacking with CIM. The signage advertises directly to us not to motorists as designed.  

We are affronted by the arrogance in this behavior. Why has Mid-Town Crossing been allowed to become a public nuisance and why isn’t anything being done about the permit violations?"

Despite evidence that illegal signage is directly facing into their windows, despite his long ago promise of help, despite sending him, to date, 49 emails requesting a response, they have been met with a wall of silence from the Council Office for over a year. Why? Since CD10 won't tell us, we are left with our imagination...

Top 10 Responses we imagine Councilman Wesson might give 16th Place.

10 - "Hey residents. Get over it! I have."

9   - "So you lost a view and gained smog, noise and billboards. Look at the glass half full, you gained a convenient shopping plaza! :-) "

8   - "More exhaust fumes and dust in your houses? Stop whining.   You should see what I have to deal with at City Hall. :-( "

7   - "Hey, I think the graphics on those billboards staring into your windows are nifty. I can see them from my house!"

6   - "Gee...just not high profile enough...sorry."

5   - "This wasn't my fault. Why should I fix it?"

4   - "There's a lot I could do...but I'm just not feelin it, can you feel me?"

3   - "Noise levels increased? Have you tried turning the TV up?"

2 -"Aren't you friends with that annoying Neighborhood News publication?" and the #1 reason we imagine why Council President Herb Wesson won't respond to the 16th Place Residents:

"I don't care, I don't have to. I'm Council PRESIDENT. Thanks for helping me get here."




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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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