David Kramer Photographer/Artist

By Carla Weber

Local Mid-City phtographer and artist David Kramer is a true Renaissance man.
An archetypal beat poet (or as he more aptly puts it, “radio artist”), a classic southern California surfer dude (though he’s from the Midwest) and a high tech geek, David dares to mix and match the commercial world of photography with  a fine art sensibility. He blends a lo-hi tech intelligence with passion, a unique aesthetic, curiosity about everything and appreciation for the absurd.  In his day job Kramer photographs people, architecture or product and leaves no stone unturned when allowing photography and art to overlap. He is constantly emphasizing that “all commercial art should be fine art”.  Easy to do if you are Kramer.

David creates websites, shoots guerilla-style music videos and is allied with The Los Angeles Creative Club, a networking salon for folks in the advertising industry.  While juggling the world of commerce, he also gives back to the community by holding workshops for children and adults at his studio, located at the western edge of Washington Boulevard in Mid-City.

Join him this December at the Group photography show co-curated with this author.

December 12, 2009      6-9 Reception
5531 W. Washington Blvd.  90016 323-937-2121.

December 12, 2009 11am-2pm

Storyboard/ shoot/ music/ movie/ Youtube   Come on!  You’ve always wanted to direct, now you can, grab  a video camera, props and costumes as you become the creator/director of your own 30 second movie! Work with artist/photographer/filmmaker David Kramer and Carla Weber  to create real camera-ready visuals. This includes storyboard (fiction or nonlinear), shooting, adding music and putting it on Youtube!  All finished products will be included in that evenings group photography show! limited enrollment.
Bring your own sack snack. For information and costs of workshop go to    www.midcity.info” or call (323) 937-2121
To see David Kramers work click here or here




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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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