Rosalyn Myles

Rosalyn Myles By Carla Weber At the very western edge of the Washington Corridor, Rosalyn Myles juggles her many selves and many lives. As any single mom will tell you, it’s all in a days work.  Constantly navigating fluctuating interests;  economies, work necessities, carpooling schedules and artistic mediums, Myles has managed to hone…

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Jacquelyn Morie

Jacquelyn Morie By Carla Weber Dr. Jacquelyn Morie, artist, photographer, tech geek, virtual resident, innovative creator of virtual 3D worlds, mother and wife. With a PhD in Immersive Environments Ms. Morie, who started out as a fine artist, currently heads up a team at the Institute for Creative Technologies in the Marina, researching…

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Mark Dutcher

Mark DutcherBy Carla Weber After the Watts riots in the mid-60’s and into the 70’s, no    one in their right mind moved south of Olympic; okay, maybe Pico, but never further south. Back then there were a few artists looking for cheap, large, alternative spaces and urban outsider gratification. Yet…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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Dianne V. Lawrence
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