Robert N. Cronkrite (Bobby) 1942-2015

Every Saturday for the last 2-3 years, I come home from work, get my dog and head down to The Porch where neighbors from the block have been gathering for years. Wally, the Japanese man in the middle and block patriarch, grew up in this home and co-host Bobby on his left, grew up in a house across the street. 

Porchweb2The Porch is an oasis of friendly conversation punctuated by much laughter - no religious or political discussions allowed!  A cross section of cultures and talents, young, old, and everybody in between is represented and conversations are wide ranging. There are porch specific activities, like Karin McGaughey's homemade Popsicalooza every summer or Ron Hutchinson's Porch By-Laws (which are constantly being sidestepped). 

In mid May, Bobby passed away.  He had been ill for some time so it was expected but it cast a pall over the Porch nonetheless. His daughter Brooke spoke at the memorial party and shared how dad had always been incredibly kind hearted and forgiving towards people, had a deep love for animals and was a true friend of nature. These traits did not leave him. He used to insist his kids take off their shoes to play, allowing their feet to remain in contact with the earth. To this day she kicks off her shoes whenever she can. He loved America and a flag was flown everyday and ceremoniously lowered by him each evening. Bobby also loved Saturday Porch Sitting and made sure I and others knew we were welcome additions to the Porch...and we loved him for it.     RIP Bobby.  

Photo Contributed by Karen Haas



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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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