Marguerite Davis 1929 - 2018

Aug18MargueriteMarguerite Davis, one of the founding board members of the Mid-City Neighborhood Council, passed away on May 16, 2018.  At her service, her family, community members and city officials remembered the amazing Marguerite and her lifetime of service to her community.  Before she passed, Marguerite asked fellow MINC board member, Valaida Gory, to speak about Marguerite’s work with the Neighborhood Council.  Valaida shared how perfect the Neighborhood Council system was for Marguerite because it connected the community's voice to City Hall, and she was always advocating for her community, which was evident by the recognition Marguerite received from City Attorney Mike Feuer and City Council President Herb Wesson along with the local LAPD Senior Lead Officer and C-PAB Captain.  Marguerite acted as MINC’s parliamentarian from their formation in February 2002 through 2016.

Marguerite’s family shared the following about her:

“Marguerite was very civic minded.  She cared about her neighborhood, her surroundings and her community.  She wanted her neighbors to feel safe in their homes.  She was on many boards for her community including the Mid-City Neighborhood Council, the LAPD Community-Police Advisory Board, the Neighborhood Watch and the LA School Board Advisory Council.  She also worked with the County Registrar of Voters for 65 years in her home and at the polls.

Marguerite was a world-class traveler.  She enjoyed baking, cooking, music, dancing, reading the bible, playing basketball, watching game shows, playing cards and spending time with her friends  She leaves behind 3 children, 6 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren, 7 great-great grandchildren and 98 nephews and nieces.”

The resounding themes of the service was how determined, though still kind, Marguerite could be in ensuring the best for her community, that she was a faithful servant to God and that she wanted to make sure that her service was filled with love and laughter.  Our condolences to Marguerite’s family, including the MINC board members, who were thought of as family by Marguerite.




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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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