inspired Branton to study law at Northwestern, after traveling with a repertory company and military service. The tireless attorney who has won numerous distinctions and is a sought-after speaker, was one of the first to hire a consultant to psychologically profile juries and to demand fairer diversity of juries. Other legal distinctions include winning cases upon appeal at the U.S. Supreme Court level. His persuasive closing argument in the case of People v. Angela Davis (where he served as Chief Counsel) is still used for instruction in law schools. Branton is most proud of his 40 year effort to free death row inmate Robert Wesley Wells.
Although retired for ten years, Branton, continues to do pro bono work, graciously accepting cases for individuals arrested on bogus charges who cannot afford representation on their own. He points to a painting on his wall by renown artist Edward Biberman expressing the equality of working people despite color difference – one of many museum-quality artworks adorning his modest home, including works by Charles White. However despite his 62 year career in civil rights (Branton was awarded the ACLU’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009), it is his late wife, Geraldine Branton, which he credits as his greatest inspiration: “When she saw a wrong, she tried to solve it.” He encourages young black people to take better advantage of the greater opportunities achieved through the Civil Rights movement. Branton has three sons and grandchildren. Despite macular-degeneration, at age 88, the very vital and sharp attorney shows no signs of slowing down and is planning an autobiography.
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This article is reprinted with permission from the World Tribune. For more information on that...
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