Walking a Tight Line: Teens Extracurriculars and Academics

Stress from school has sharply increased in the past years. Colleges are harder to get into, so students are adding more to their plate in order to make their college applications look better. They are doubling their workload and difficulty levels.  But, how are they able to manage the workload? 

Evelyn Lopez LAHIGHEVELEN2webis in Color Guard.  This requires her to stay after school for several hours and even give up some of her Saturdays. How is she able to keep the legacy of her school going, while not ruining her own? 

“I take advantage of the days we don’t have practice, so I can get ahead in school work and even though I’m tired after practice, I force myself to do my homework since it was my decision to be in color guard, even if that means sleeping late,” she says. 

Lopez’s determined mindset allows her to have a clear view of her goals and not blur anything out. This way, she knows her priorities and nothing gets left out. Lopez’s willpower motivates her, as well as keeps out any negative thoughts that might become obstacles.

Students, clarifying goals will let you know what you need to focus on. 

Jasmin Han, lahighjasmine2webStudent Body Vice President, and President of Junior Council is another student putting in tremendous amount of work, yet she still manages to stay on her “A” game. Being an officer is something that requires a lot of time on its own, especially when one is an officer for more than one major council. Time is always the problem for students like Han or Lopez. When it comes to school work, there never seems to be enough time.  But, Han proves this idea wrong. 

“Balance? No way, it is a struggle 24/7. I find that keeping a schedule helps organize everything. I’m always exhausted, but because I enjoy everything I do, my hectic life doesn’t feel like a burden,” says Han.  

Instead of picking too many extra curricular activities, she chose those that she knows she enjoys.  Therefore, she does not consider it extra work.  A strong characteristic like this is what makes her both a great leader and student. 

Lopez and Han are just two of the many students attending Los Angeles Senior High School who successfully manage their academics as well as their extracurricular activities. Sometimes the amount of work they have to do seems impossible, but with the right mentality and focus, the students are able to overcome any obstacle.




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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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