How The Mills Act Can Save You Money On Your Historic Home

The Mills Act is a State of California tax reduction program for historic properties (single family residences, apartments, and commercial structures) that is administered by each participating municipality. The City of Los Angeles recently added multiple deadlines for the Mills Act application. The first application deadline is March 1st 2016,…

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West Adams Wins 2015 Best Neighborhood Curbed Cup

West Adams Wins 2015 Best Neighborhood Curbed CupEvery year Curbed LA, the popular website devoted to information about neighborhoods and real estate in Los Angeles, hosts a competition for the Curbed Cup which is awarded to the best neighborhoood in Los Angeles.  How is the neighborhood selected?  By well informed and experienced judges tallying scores in…

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Bread of Life

Bread of LifeThey’ve seen it all. From addicts who have kicked their heroin habit for good to immigrants who started a new life in a daunting city, the pastors at Bread of Life Foursquare Gospel Church have collected endless stories of spiritual recovery during the past 20 years.  Photos by Dawn Kirkpatrick,…

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Neighbors Unite to Identify Their Mid-City Community

Neighbors Unite to Identify Their Mid-City CommunityDo you live within these borders?If so, Mid-City Heights Coalition members want your signature! In an effort to strengthen the identity of a section of Mid-City that has been begging for an identity upgrade, local residents who had been meeting regularly agreed on the name Mid-City Heights. In order…

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Community Organizes Trashforce

Community Organizes TrashforceWhen Amy Hammes moved to Mid-city she was impressed with the amount of civic action she encountered. She saw neighbors rolling up their sleeves and making their communities better.   Her interests and profession had always been focused on issues of waste and litter so she began looking for local…

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Kenneth Hahn, Our Very Own Central Park

Kenneth Hahn, Our Very Own Central Park Did you know that a 10 - 15 minute drive will bring you to one of our city’s largest parks? Often referred to as the Central Park of L.A.. Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area,(entrance off La Cienaga just south of Rodeo), covers 338 acres and provides a large variety…

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Voices of Homelessness

Voices of HomelessnessThis issue's contribution to our series of articles on homelessness in Council District 10 focuses on the personal stories of the homeless in our community. For this we partnered with the Natural Ivy Foundation who provided a place and the people for our reporter, Carla Pineda, to interview.  It is…

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Town Hall Meeting Collapses As Protestors Rush The Stage

Town Hall Meeting Collapses As Protestors Rush The StageA town hall meeting attended by approximately100 community members and featuring Mayor Eric Garcetti was held at Holman United Methodist Church in South LA Oct. 19, Monday night. It came to an abrupt end when a small group of Black Lives Matter protesters rushed  the stage where Garcetti and others…

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Illegal Dumping

Illegal DumpingIllegal dumping has become a source of many a discussion on Nextdoor, the popular neighborhood networking platform that allows neighbors to communicate online.  For the residents who live on Apple St. (running east/west just north of the freeway between Hauser and Sycamore), it has been an ongoing discussion for decades.…

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24th St. Garden School

24th St. Garden School The 24th Street Elementary School’s  Garden School, located 1/2 block west of Western, is celebrating its ten year anniversary.   It was started by local neighbors and school staff  who worried about the children playing on hot asphalt with no shade. Their desire and efforts to create a learning garden…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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