Illegal Dumping

Oct15dump3Illegal dumping has become a source of many a discussion on Nextdoor, the popular neighborhood networking platform that allows neighbors to communicate online.  For the residents who live on Apple St. (running east/west just north of the freeway between Hauser and Sycamore), it has been an ongoing discussion for decades.  

Senior Lead Officer Thomas from Wilshire Division explained that back in the day, when people who lived in the apartments along this stretch relocated, they'd often leave their unwanted items on the street for others to pick up and re-use. Like attracts like so soon the mom-and-pop "you got it, we'll haul it" trucks were dumping their items alongside to avoid the fees at the legal dumping grounds.

Wilshire Division in its ongoing efforts to engage with and help local communities, have launched a new campaign to tackle this issue starting with Apple St.  Officer Thomas, along with our community prosecutor Mehrnoosh Zhiri, have begun by knocking on doors and talking to residents to get direct feedback on the issue.  Flyers educating residents on the actions they can take when they see illegal dumping are being distributed; cameras and lights are being installed; and there are discussions about creating more easy-access legal dumping sites.  For ongoing problems or occasional annoyance, always alert the Senior Lead Officer for your neighborhood at either Olympic (213) 382-9102; Wilshire (213) 473-0476; or Southwest Division 213-485-2582Oct15dumping4 photos by Dawn Kirkpatrick.


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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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