Hepatitis A is the subject of discussions on the health front, homeless front, law enforcement front, and every other front there is. Hepatitis A, an acute liver disease, has been on a steady rise here in Southern California especially among our homeless population. Over the past few years, the numbers…
IIn April of 2015 TNN reported on the temporary closure of the Williams Andrews Clark Library for building upgrades. Here is the report from the Clark on the exciting reopening this January:
We are delighted to report that on Jan 21, 2018 there will be a ribbon-cceunremony, open to the…
Early this year a homeless community set up an encampment along the 10 Freeway by Highland. Not only were some of their members caught attempting burglary but some responded threateningly to local residents during efforts to communicate with them. The last straw for the community was the use of…
A lot has happened since our last report on the shocking effect of the national rollout of the new airflight patterns from the Federal Aviation’s Metroplex, NextGen program. Condensing the path of flights arriving from various positions across a 4 mile swath to a single line of flights arriving over beleaguered…
On April 1, 1984, news came over the airways that Motown singer Marvin Gaye had been shot and killed by his own father at the family home on Gramercy Place. The media couldn’t seem to agree on where the house was located. The Los Angeles Times said it was in…
You see them speeding to and fro every day. They force traffic to come to a dead stop at the height of rush hour with a blast of their horn & siren and those flashing lights. Who are they? They’re Los Angeles Fire Department’s fleet of rescue ambulances. Last year,…
Phase 1 The Pico Great Street Collaborative hosted an Open House for Destination: Pico on Sunday September 17th at Saturn St. Elementary to showcase the map of improvements that the community has chosen for Pico from Curson to Burnside. The Collaborative submitted the plans to the mayor’s staff in mid-August.…
Sometime in the next two years two highly anticipated restaurants will be opening up on West Adams Boulevard. Daniel Patterson creator of Alta, a well received casual eatery, is known for establishing Alta in a variety of San Francisco neighborhoods on the verge of gentrification. Tony Yanowa Los Angeles craft…
{jcomments off} Monday night usually isn’t the most productive night of the week. You might celebrate surviving the beginning of another work week with a nice glass of wine on your porch or curl up with a nice book on your deck. Less and less West Adams residents are able to…
TNN: Tell us about the Rogue Artists Ensemble. Sean T. Cawelti: We are a non-profit organization and we met at UC Irvine and have been working together since 2001, Our mission is to tell stories in unique ways. We use puppetry and masks, old story telling conventions, as well as…
Established in August of 2008 by writer, artist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.
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