Senior Lifestyle Tips

Walking for Senior Health

Here's another senior health care tip. When walking for senior exercise, it is important that you keep a normal stride. Over-extending our stride length jolts our joints and actually slows us down. You may also put stress on your joints and ligaments by trying to go very quickly or by lengthening your stride too much. Take it easy! Studies show that walking is just as effective as running for aerobic exercise. It may take you a bit longer, but then you just have more opportunities to stop and smell the roses!

Senior Health Care and Nutrition

We all worry about our weight as we get older. In today's world, restaurants serve huge portions, but you don't have to fall prey to these problems! Although 'Diets' aren't always the easy way to maintain a healthy weight for senior health, eating less can be. Use the salad plate for our meals rather than the dinner plate; less surface, less food. Your system will soon adapt to this decrease and 'less' will be plenty! You'll see the excess pounds melt slowly away. Couple this with a walk each day and you will look and feel better!

Senior Health and Maintaining Balance

For better senior health your lifestyle should be to do all things with a temperance; that is, don't overeat, don't overbuy, etc. To make it short: don't over 'do'! By following this simple rule, you will ensure your health and safety. Don't be afraid of an occassional indulgence, but good habits make healthy people!

Senior Health and Medications

One of the formost senior health issues of the day is prescription medications. Whether the issue is money or drug interaction, every senior citizen needs to use their head when thinking about medication.

For instance, if your physician prescribes new medications for you, always ask if he has any samples to give you. It's not wise to pay for new medications without knowing you can 'take' them and not have severe side effects. Pharmaceutical companies supply free samples to doctors just for these purposes. Even if getting renewal prescriptions for meds, ask for samples. Make sure you physician knows all of the medication you are taking though, because you want to avoid any drug interaction reactions.





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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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