Donna Jones, West Adams SheRo

On Sunday, May 15, 2011, West  Adams Avenue's Donna Jones was awarded the annual SHEro Award from Senator Curren D. Price, Jr. (26th Senate District). Donna was one of 26 women who received the honor based on her demonstrated leadership, volunteerism and commitment to her community. During the ceremony, Donna received her SHEro Award from Senator Price himself and was praised by Michaela Periera from KTLA-TV's Morning Show.


Said Michaela regarding Donna, "Donna is described by the residents of West Adams Avenues as a force of nature. Her primary strength is somehow managing the endless "to do" list of her community, with extraordinary efficiency. She is their air traffic controller, juggling multiple phone calls, texts and meetings all while being dedicated to her job teaching pregnant high school students and raising her two sons."
"Donna's secondary strength is her ability to get others to take on some of the tasks of keeping the Avenues on track, " continued Periera. "If there is a local resident with a talent for anything that would benefit the wider community, she'll find a way to encourage that resident to become a volunteer. And if one of her neighbors has a good idea for improving the area, Donna will back up that idea to the hilt, find out how to get it done, and shepherd the idea through the process of putting it into reality."

On closing, Periera said, "Over the years, Donna has built up and sustained relationships with anyone in the City who can get things done for her community. Donna's neighbors have said that they are in awe of her determination and talent."

Just a sample of Donna's accomplishments:

  • Founder and Current Chair of West Adams Avenues Association
  • Coordinated efforts to bring filming to our community
  • Community Leadership (WAAA, Quality of Life, Park Advisory Board, C-PAB)
  • Park Advocate (participating in the restoration of the South Seas House and spearheading the make-over of Benny H. Potter Memorial Park into a world class ADA destination for our neighborhood and helping to create the upcoming Annex with work out equipment and walking trails)
  • Secured trash cans for the Avenues, which are taken care of by block representatives and not the city
  • Works constantly with Council District 10 and UNNC (Neighborhood Council)
Donna is truly a SHEro.





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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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