Eric Bronson Preservation Activist

West Adams Heritage Association (WAHA) presented its annual Martin Weil Historic Preservation Award to longtime preservation activist Eric Bronson of Harvard Heights.

Eric approaches historic preservation in a low key but effective manner.  He is always there when someone has a question whether it is the WAHA Board, the Historic Preservation Committee or a member.  For many years he, with Tom Florio, headed the WAHA Zoning and Planning Committee. He has rehabilitated many homes in West Adams and lead numerous “how to” workshops.  He was a key figure in getting a house painted “barn raising style” in Harvard Heights.  He tracks changes to the California Environmental Quality Act and circulates court cases to the Historic Preservation Committee. The fact that “Chef Eric” also cooks at the main dinner house for the WAHA Holiday Tour is simply another side of a family man who manages to balance family, preservation, time and work.  His guidance and input is always valued comments are made on environmental documents whether they be Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs) or Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs).

Bronson’s low key, calm and effective leadership is very welcome when preservation and planning emergency heats up and situations become tense.  WAHA has treasured his guidance and the organization’s Historic Preservation Committee of which he is a part truly is enabled by his presence.





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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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