Howdy New Neighbor!

If you are new to our community WELCOME!  For those of you who want to get more involved or informed about your neighborhood this is a guide to finding the people and groups you might want to reach out to as you settle into our wonderful and active community. 

You can use this map to search for your address location and find your nearby parks and recreation centers, libraries, police stations, and more.  

One of the best ways to get involved is to attend local, public meetings. Depending on what interests you there are many to choose from.  A great place to start is your local Neighborhood Council. These Councils were set up by the city to connect residents with their city government and empower them to make a direct impact on their neighborhoods. Attend a meeting of your local NC to find out the issues that are impacting your community or to bring your neighborhood questions and concerns up at open mike.  You can also attend their special committee meetings like land use or outreach and eventually volunteer to join the board during their election years. Five Neighborhood Councils within  the Neighborhood News borders include:

Mid-City Neighborhood Council (MINC):

West Adams Neighborhood Council (WANC):

United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council (UNNC):

Pico Neighborhood Council (P.I.C.O.):

Olympic Park Neighborhood Council (OPNC):

Many local groups run their own public or private pages on Facebook. If you are a Facebook user simply type in the name of your neighborhood and you will probably find a Facebook page for it.  

NextDoor is like Facebook for neighborhoods and meant to connect neighbors to people in their own and surrounding neighborhoods. You will find meeting and safety notices, local offers, yardsales, people looking for recommendations and discussion around local issues. You can find your neighborhood and sign up at 

There is also West Adams Heritage Association WAHA for anyone who wants to know more about this historic area or join and get involved in fun activities around historic issues.

There are also a number of neighborhood associations, block clubs, and neighborhood watches. The best way to find out about them is by asking your new neighbors or by  contacting your local City District (CD) office. You can contact your district office, and find a lot of other helpful information, here: 

Then of course there is The Neighborhood News website which archives all the articles from their issues (47 to date) and is a gold mine of information about the community.  If you want to get plugged into local businesses and events consider joining their email blast list by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and put Include Me in the subject line. 

There is the West Adams Trashforce. A group of people, anyone is invited, pick an area, get together and clean it up. They take requests.  Contact them on their West Adams Trashforce Facebook page.

Want to help the poor? Natural Ivy Foundation is a local organization that offers extensive help to those struggling to stay on their feet.  They are always looking for volunteers for a number of activities.

Once you find groups you’re interested in, reach out! By and large, neighbors in our community are involved in keeping their neighborhoods safe and beautiful and will welcome anyone motivated to help keep it that way. 

The Neighborhood News welcomes you to your new neighborhood!

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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