Wellington Sq. Farmers Market. Sunday Fundays!

The Wellington Square Certified Farmers Market is a modest yet lively place located on the south end of Mid-City in the Smyrna Church parking lot on Washington Blvd. just west of Crenshaw Blvd. The market addresses the growing issue of fresh food scarcity in certain Los Angeles communities by offering locally grown, fresh vegetable and fruit options at affordable prices. You can also find community favorites, delicious huge brown eggs from cruelty free, field-raised chickens, home-grown micro-greens and a wide variety of flavored hummus and crunchy pita chips. 

Dec18mark1The market brings neighbors together every Sunday morning, offering a nice break from a routine of simply waving to each other during the week. Local residents remember each other’s names and are excited to see a new neighbor come to visit. You can find people hovering around Jeff of Quality Mutt's coffee car orordering some breakfast at Chef Sion's or having a relaxing massage with Jeon.  There are always new and fun things to do, local moms raising money with raffles, activities for the little ones, and great music provided by local bands.

There is also a great  Flea Market that sells handmade and vintage clothing, gorgeous vintage fabrics, jewelry, candles, soaps and a changing variety of fun handmade objects.  They will be there every weekend up to the holidays, so if you are in the market for truly unique gifts, this is the place to be. 
Dec18mark4Through an affiliation with Charles R. Drew University, the market has recently paired up with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and now provides a mobile van which offers free onsite HIV rapid testing for anyone in the community. The collaboration encourages the community to see the connection between the importance of nutrition and our health.  For the dates for this free testing, go to    https://www.wellingtonsquarefarmersmarket.com 

Dec18mark2 2The market also offers a hand to CalFresh and Social Security recipients providing an opportunity to buy fresh fruits and vegetables through a Market Match program offered through Hunger Action Los Angeles (HALA) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture.Wellington Square Certified Farmers Market can now offer CalFresh recipients additional monies for fresh fruits and veggies. 

Dec18mark5Come visit us and bring your family every Sunday from 9am - 1pm  349 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 just west of Crenshaw, located in historic West Adams. 

To enquire about a booth for the flea market contact Market Manager Melissa, 323-307-1256
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Luz Martinez is a volunteer at the farmers market and student at Charles R. Drew University. 


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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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