Pico Businesses Attempt to Unite

Small boutiques, restaurants, hair salons, barbershops, coffee houses and more, are popping up like mushrooms in pockets along Pico, from La Brea to Fairfax, making it the best kept secret shopping destination in Los Angeles.

P.I.C.O. Neighborhood Council business representative and owner of Maison de Pain, a local favorite bakery, Carmen Salindog and business rep and outreach chair Nikki Largesse and head of the Ethiopian Cultural Center on Fairfax are hoping to change that. They are currently attempting to create a Pico Business Association in the hopes that a coalition

of businesses working together will find ways to get the secret out and  raise community awareness about the variety and value of the services available along the Boulevard. Nikki looks forward to business mixers, joint promotions and bringing businesses together to discuss their concerns which would allow P.I.C.O. NC to represent those concerns to the CD10 Council office.


Shopping for fashionable clothes, shoes and accessories?

Why pay Larchmont or Culver City prices when the same quality can be found on Pico for a lot less?  Need to catch some quality take out or sit down to a fine dinner? Pico offers many food choices from soul to Jamaican to delicious Mexican to California cuisine and some of the best chicken in town. There is a place to rent quiet space if you are a writer, an exercise spot for the kids,  a place for low cost therapy.

Creating a directory, holding a street fair, sponsoring a Discover Pico Raffle Weekend are some of the ideas that had been floated at a recent meeting where seven business owners gathered to discuss how to begin to pull the businesses in and generate interest. To find out more or how to participate, call or email;  Nikki - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 310-633-4830; or Carmen - 323- 934-5858




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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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