Scott McNeely, Outgoing President of P.I.C.O. Neighborhood Council

Says Goodbye and Sums Up P.I.C.O. NC's Accomplishments During His Tenure

(Borders, N-Olympic, S-Venice, E-La Brea, W-La Cienega)

  Dear Stakeholders, Board Members, Neighbors and     Friends,

  As of July 15th, I will be passing the baton of the presidency    to my successors, MaryAnn Yurkonis and Claudia Bayard.  It’s   hard to believe how quickly 4 years have flown by.  In January of 2006, 18 of us huddled together and took our oath as bright-eyed board members.  We rolled up our sleeves and embarked on a journey to better the organization of which we were eager to be a part.  There was a lot of work to do.  There were challenges and triumphs along the way and now we are a better organization for it.  As I look back on the distance we have traveled, I can honestly say we have a lot to be proud of. Here's an idea of what we have achieved since 2006.

Events we organized or sponsored:

Art Festival2   LAPD Open HousesAssociation

Website Project

Little Ethiopia BeautificationBanner

Revitalization Masselin Parkway Rehabilitation (still in progress)

Big Sunday at Saturn

Mosquito Fish

Billboard Inventory

Neighbors United Holiday Outreach

Blvd. Without Borders

2 Night On Crime

Carthay Center  Elementary Butterfly Garden

Pico Sidewalk Cleaning Campaign

Carthay Center  Shady Grove Project

Town Hall Event

Carthay Square  HPOZ Training

Roscoe's Wall Rebuild

CD 10 Winter Wonderland

Saturn Garden (still in progress)

Chamber Music

Saturn Summer Cleanup

Computer System for Senior Center

Singing Cop

Definien's Music Program

South Carthay Outreach Event

Diversity Cultural Street Festival

3 Tom Bradley Halloween Events

Easter baskets

3 Tom Bradley Thanksgiving Events

2 Health Fairs

3 Tom Bradley Toy Giveaways

2 Holiday Strolls

2 Wilshire Vista Halloween Event

5 School Backpack Giveaways (Saturn & Carthay Center)

Wilshire Vista Heights Neighborhood Lights

L.A. Charter promotional project

Wilshire Vista Heights Tree Planting

L.A. Marathon support

Wilshire Vista Spring Mixer Event

Land Use & Development:

We've had significant input, and often lead the way, on:

  1. L.A.’s Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Ordinance
  2. Billboard Ordinance
  3. Medians along PICO
  4. Local Cell Tower Resolution
  5. Development along Pico
  6. Multiple Land Use case reviews
  7. General code enforcement, trash cleanup & graffiti


Pico/Olympic Traffic Initiative - Defeating the Pico / Olympic One-Way Initiative. We rallied 20 other groups of home owners and 7 other neighborhood councils to join us in our fight.  And it all started with US!

White Paper on MMDs - our work on the medical marijuana dispensary issue prompted the authoring a white paper that provided significant community input to our city attorney in developing his policy. Again, it all started here in PICO NC!

Signage Ordinance - we have actively participated in the development of the new signage ordinance.

Prop B - Researching the arguments for the L.A. Solar Plan that helped establish the No-On-B Action Group.  We were the first council to take a position.

Visibility - building relationships with: other councils and organizing a concerted effort to affect city policy (a first in the city!), local schools, council congresses,, CD10 and other supportive government offices.


  1. Raised our efficiency and effectiveness ranking among neighborhood councils from 81 to the TOP 5!!
  2. Increased board member participation to a record-breaking 646 event hours to date!
  3. Website redesign with functional updates, greater manageability, syndication features and cross community support. Our website has been recognized by the city and Urban Insight, an independent consultant for the city of Los Angeles as a ‘Role Model for the City’.
  4. Completely revamped financial reporting that has resulted in attaining one of the highest transparency records in the city (we have received several congratulatory emails and published recognition from D.O.N.E.),
  5. Effectively spent 100% of our annual $45K allotment and have significantly reduced our rollover funds resulting in minimal impact in the recent city sweep.
  6. Inspired by the Pico NC Saturn Garden Project, the non-profit group, The Rings of Saturn, was formed to work closely with administrators and teachers towards the betterment of Saturn Elementary.  To date, the group is spear-heading an effort to convert the barren asphalt playground to a green park that will be available to the community during non-school hours.

In closing, it’s been my privilege to serve as president of the Pico Neighborhood Council over the past 4 years. Together we have made monumental strides in making a difference to our community, impacting city policies and building relationships that will further improve our way of life as well as prepare for the future.


I'm extremely excited by the growing energy and interest in the Pico Neighborhood Council and I look forward to some amazing things happening on the board and in our community.


Scott McNeely
Former President, Pico Neighborhood Council





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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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