Our Neighborhood Council's 2013 Achievements


- Participated in the Mayor’s Neighborhood Blitz - held a pothole lottery to determine which sections of road in MINC got repaired with our one-day street crew

- CicLAvia - created a MINC hub and stop for CicLAvia - vendors, food trucks, community groups all had a presence in Mid-City

- West Bridge anniversary celebration - banners - partnership with WAHA and OPNC.

- MINC Meet your rep events (several of them throughout the year) at the Farmers Market - handing out chochkies - outreach

- Taste of Soul event - outreach

- Jazz in the Avenues - outreach

- Body shop (5300 WA) - closed - instrumental in getting that done.

- Outreach mailing campaign and MINC survey to reach every member of our community - bring in new participation to the NC.

- St. Elmo music at the Farmers Market - weekly sponsor

- Sponsored L.A. Drama club activities.

- Sponsored half of library at New Los Angeles Charter school

- Sponsored kids to summer camp from two schools (4 kids total)

- Sponsored Arts Festival for at risk kids at the William Grant Still center.

- Median at Cloverdale and Washington - instrumental in getting that in place despite issues.

- Support upkeep of the planters on the DWP property at Apple and Fairfax.

- Garage problem on La Brea & 20th/21st - instrumental in keeping on top of this issue w/ CD-10

- Cal Trans cleanup along the freeway entrances in MINC - after years of work with CD-10

- Crosswalk at La Cienega and Alvira in Arts District - got this installed.

- West Blvd. speed sign - got this installed

- Signal at Marvin & Washington - got this installed

- Vigilant re: marijuana dispensaries in the neighborhood

- Increased LAPD awareness of fireworks issue in Mid-City


- Grant to Moo Sool Won for kid's scholarship to learn Kung Fu

- Repaired Potholes.

- Community Grant for a Health Fair with California State University of Long Beach Nursing Department.

- Oxford Square HPOZ Project - is a Grant provided to the Oxford Square Neighborhood Association for research into making their neighborhood a HPOZ.

- Funds provided to the local Fire Department for new equipment in their station house.

- The 3rd Annual Free Community Buffet Dinner - a retreat dinner that's geared to bring awareness of community, the businesses and unity in the neighborhood. We’re informing the stakeholders of the work done and future plans of OPNC.  

- Beautification project on the Olympic corridor - was a tree planting project from La Brea to Western Avenue and it was conducted by the Koreatown Youth and Community Center.

- Grant to Los Angeles High Football team to purchase new uniforms, helmets and other sporting equipment, because the old ones were broken, torn and unsafe to play in.

- Grant to Los Angeles High Alumni Association for the Harrison Trust / Alumni on Campus needed matching funds to continue their LA High Living History Project and we were able to give them a matching grant to continue moving forward.

- COUNTRY CLUB PARK ANNUAL BBQ – we partnered with Country Club Park Neighborhood Association, which is an HPOZ in the our district, and helped produce their Annual BBQ. It was a great time meeting our stakeholders and it turned out to be fun in the sun.

- Community Grant to “CicLAvia” BIKE RIDE TO THE SEA – We co-sponsored a hub station with UNNC at Venice and San Vicente where we greeted the bikers and runners as they came down Venice to our hub station. They were greeted with food, music and a bike repair post. It was a great partnership for health in the community.  

- Community Grant to “ECO-LOGICAL ART” PROJECT FOR THE KIDS - This grant has allowed intercity kids to interact with professionals to create art freely, in a controlled environment for free.

- Community Grant to the WILSHIRE POLICE DEPARTMENT This grant was to help upgraded the department aged break room. When completed, OPNC break room will be its official name.


- Funded the rehabilitation of the deteriorated window films on the Jefferson Park Library.  

- Washington Blvd. and Venice Blvd. clean ups with CD10.

- Helped fund the CD 10 Movies in the Park at the Benny H. Potter Park.

- Helped fund the Nosey Eye Neighbors annual summer block party.

- Helped with funding for the 4th Avenue Historic Pedestrian Bridge clean up.

- Was a partner in funding the creation and installation of Jefferson Park HPOZ signage.

- Partnered with Jefferson Park Library to fund a day of art activities as part of The Big Draw L.A..

- Contributed funding for the annual CD 10 Winter Wonderland.

- Partnered with Rec & Parks for the installation of a Dero Bike Fix Station in Benny H. Potter Park and made a commitment to fund repairs/maintenance for the next year.

- Funded holiday celebration at the Leslie Shaw Park in Jefferson Park and is supporting ongoing efforts for the rehab of Leslie Shaw Park.

- UNNC continues to be a strong advocate for the community in UNNC tackling Zoning and Planning issues and engaging our community on such issues as:

- Actively involved with CD 10 and the Planning Dept. regarding the West Adams Baldwin Hills Leimert Park Community Plan Revision and reaching out to our community to become involved.

- Oil drilling at Freeport McMoRan Oil & Gas at 2126 W. Adams Blvd..

•The proposed but previously approved wireless facility on the Bekins/Public Storage Building located at Pico and Crenshaw.

•Providing input on projects such as the Proposed Citywide Mobility Element Update, the Exposition Boulevard Streetscape plan.


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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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