LA High-Most Improved

On February 14th, the television station, Univision, visited Los Angeles High School. The Spanish-speaking station featured our school as one of the most-improved schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District.

The preparations for the event started long before the taping began. Dr. Yoon and Ms. Altin wanted the bleachers packed for the visit. The only challenge was the time that the Univision crew would be filming. The actual show broadcasted at 5:22 a.m., but students were expected to show up by 4:30 in the morning. Leadership students had to show up even earlier - 3:30.AprilHigh4web

“It was a struggle to wake up at three in the morning,” said Victor Perez, a ninth grader who attended the event.

In order to encourage students to attend, there were boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts, bags of bagels, a gallon or two of coffee, and plenty of fruit for students. The school offered the attendance make-up or detention clearance for all grade levels. For seniors, there was an opportunity for earning service learning hours with a one-page reflection. Many teachers offered extra credit for those who picked up an orange ticket. 

 As students arrived, they signed their name and the time on a banner. Then, students had to wait in line to check in for a free t-shirt and pom-pom. By 4:30 a.m., both bleachers were full of blue and white. Despite the unacceptable hours, many students were grinning from ear-to-ear.

“I was proud of the amount of school spirit that was demonstrated that day,” said Mr. Perla, the MESA and FRC Robotics sponsor.

Senior Pearl Moro said, “It was a great experience. To see so much Roman spirit? It gives me a sense of belonging and school pride.”

During the event, Univision highlighted the best of Los Angeles High. The city-winning Band and Color Guard played, “L.A. Will Shine” and “Land of a Thousand.” The MESA and Robotics Team showed off their first-ever robot. Several students were highlighted for the Roman Athletics segment.

Antonio Aguilar, representing Robotics, said, “It felt great to represent the MESA and the Robotics team.”

All in all, the event ran smoothly. Students cheered at the right moments, and the school was very well represented.  It was a job well done. 




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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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