Eco-LogicalART Went"Au Natural" to Celebrate Earth Day with ReVisions/10 and EartH Feature Live Public Curtain Drops.
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On Saturday April 24th the nonprofit Eco-LogicalART Gallery celebrated the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. As Eco-LA founder and director Peter Schulberg puts it: "We're going “au natural” with ReVisions/10 and EartH." Both events featured live public unveilings. ReVisions/10 offered up huge art on a billboard, displayed directly over the Eco-LA gallery, and revealed with a live curtain drop. Hand painted by Leeann Goya, once unveiled the eco-themed will be seen 35,000 times daily, and a million times by month's end.
To learn more about Eco-LogicalART visit our new website
To watch a video of what they do and their live billboard curtain drops go to:
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To see an NBC/4 spot on the gallery go to:
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To see just mentioned on the Huffington Post click here:
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EartH, an exhibit of art on recycled billboard painted is by the youth of Los Angeles. Mounted on the exterior of the Eco-LogicalART gallery, and with the theme of “The World I See/The World. The LA based Street Poets performed a spoken word performance riffing off the “World I See/Hope Could Be”
In addition to the art billboard and EartH, the gallery show included works by two dozen local artists who created over 100 stunning art pieces from recycled and up-cycled media. And if that’s not enough…Schulberg notes: “We also have green accessories to buy in the Eco-LA "Recovery Room", eco-art demos, live DJ Angelus Bailey-- plus libations." The ever-hip Kogi taco truck was on-site from 6-9 pm serving up their “street” high cuisine.
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