FAME First American Methodist Church

Biddy Mason, a woman of  extraordinary vision, began her life as a slave in the 1800s. While still a young woman she was granted her freedom and moved to Los Angeles to pursue a successful career as a nurse and midwife. Biddy saved her money and bought and developed one of the first commercial properties in the commercial district of downtown Los Angeles.  In 1872 she received a vision to establish a small church that eventually became the First African Methodist Episcopal Church or FAME as it is most popularly referred to.  The congregation now has over 19,000 members and several dozen ministries within 13 corporations.

Fulfilling Biddy Mason’s vision of creating a church that ministers to mind, body and soul, FAME has extensive community programs that offer valuable low cost and free services to the community. We present a few of them here:
Legal Services
The FAME Legal Clinic provides services to low-income residents in the greater Los Angeles area. Their staff of dedicated volunteer attorneys, paralegals and law students provide services in the following areas:Bankruptcy, Child Custody, Civil Criminal (Expunging Criminal Records – New Service), Divorce, Employment, Landlord & Tenant Disputes, Personal Injury, Probate, Real Estate, Social Security. FAME does NOT represent clients. Hours of Operation: Sundays: November 7th and 21st and December 5th and 12th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. To volunteer or for more information call Petra Kubalkova (323) 730-7700 Ext. 5027

Rider Relief Transportation Program (RRTP) RRTP is a discount coupon program for eligible riders who purchase transit passes from participating transit operators. RRTP provides discount fare coupons ($10.00 for Regular Riders and $6.00 for Seniors, Disabled and Students). To be an eligible participant you must meet HUD’s low income levels. To apply in a location close to you, contact 323-730-7715.
Immediate Needs Transportation Program (INTP) Offers immediate transportation assist. (taxi vouchers, coupons, bus tokens) to low income residents.  Call 211 and let them know what your immediate transportation need is.
Counseling Services.
The FAME Community Counseling Center provides the following counseling services: Family (Couples, and Individual Counseling),  Parenting Support, Stress-Management, Self Enhancement, Help with Depression, Anxiety, and many other life issues, Grief & Loss Support Counseling, Child/Adolescent Counseling & Groups.
Confidential appointments are available on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 2248 S. Hobart Blvd. To make a confidential appointment, for the low cost of $20 per session, call (323) 730-7748.
To find out about their  many other services,  visit   
www.famechurch.org/ or call  323-730-7750





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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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