United Neighborhood Neighborhood Council UNNC March 2011

Cycling in United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council territory will be easier in coming years. Jeff Jacobberger of the Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee gave a presentation at the March 3 meeting of UNNC’s governing board. He was there to start a dialogue between the city and the community about the 2010…

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Olympic Park Neighborhood Council March 2011

The leadership of the Olympic Park Neighborhood Council is operating under the urgency of a vanishing budget. Much of the council’s March 7 meeting was centered on the possibility that the city could cut neighborhood council funding significantly in the coming fiscal year. “We may not have rollover funds,” said…

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The Fight Is On To Preserve Neighborhood Council Funds

The Fight Is On To Preserve Neighborhood Council Funds Reprinted with permission from The Argonaut BY GARY WALKER Los Angeles City Administrator Miguel Santana recently unveiled a preliminary plan to reduce the city's municipal budget that includes severe cuts to senior centers, cultural and recreational programs, as well as one area that has become a frequent target of City Hall…

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Olympic Park Neighborhood (OPNC) Council Oct. 2010 Report

New street mediums are being installed on Pico west of La Brea with more mediums to come.  The mediums with overgrown vegetation should be cleaned up soon by the City. -  $1,400 was approved for advertising in the Mid City Press for 6 months. -  $500.00 for candy and…

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Mid City NC MINC Oct 2010 report

The planning committee collected more than 30 submissions from residents of severely damaged sidewalks. They will evaluate and rank each complaint to send a final repair request list to the Council District 10. They also created a list of 12 properties that have unsightly overgrown plants. This list of addresses…

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P.I.C.O. NC Oct. 2010 Report

There are some At-Large positions available for the council. Interested parties need to submit resumes.--Concern was expressed about the lack of clarity for the process of considering a funding request. Could votes be submitted over the phone? Could funding requests be considered at a meeting if there wasn’t proper…

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UNNC Sept Report

The United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council’s planning and zoning committee is where the action was during August and September. Jefferson Park HPOZ: There was a lengthy discussion about Jefferson Park’s effort to get an Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ), which would prohibit any renovations that are not in keeping with historic…

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P.I.C.O. SEPT Report

“Thank you all for your service,” said Councilman Herb Wesson who presented service certificates to board members of the PICO Neighborhood Council. “You became such a force that it got the attention of the mayor.” Wesson made an early appearance at the council’s general board meeting, and took photographs with…

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MINC Sept report

Dividing a $45,000 budget can be a difficult task when planning for a year of expenses. Luckily the budget DONE required immediately is provisional and can be amended at a later date. The board split the money into three primary branches: operations ($2,600), outreach ($26,900) and community improvements ($15,500). The…

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United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council (UNNC) July 2010 report

United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council (UNNC) July 2010 report A concern over a push by local developers to become more of a force on the United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council (UNNC) had local residents rallying.  Their aggressive outreach with flyer’s and recommendation sheets paid off with a record turnout, (placing them in the…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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Dianne V. Lawrence
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