United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council (UNNC) JUNE/JULY 2011

Norman Gilmore presented a funding request for up to $600 to rent a webserver for a year. Passed Roy Amemiya made arequest for up to $125 to provide refreshments to an upcoming Wilshire Community Police Advisory Board. Passed Brian Jett for Western Heights Neighborhood Association presented a funding request for…

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Each month, Koreatown Youth Center removes over 50,000 square feet of graffiti. Most graffiti is removed within a 24-hour time frame from both public and private locations. However, due to the City’s budget shortfall, KYCC is in dire need of support from the community to purchase paint in order to…

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Neighborhood Council Territory Tussle

Mid City Neighborhood Council (MINC) has emerged the victor in a territory tussle with South Robertson Neighborhood Council (SORO). In 2009 when the Department of Neighborhood Councils  (DONE) discovered various Neighborhood Council (NC) boundaries did not include some local neighborhoods, they alerted the appropriate NC’s and gave them an opportunity…

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Olympic Park Neighborhood Council Celebrates A Year of Successes

Olympic Park Neighborhood Council Celebrates A Year of Successes John Jake, OPNC’s Outreach Chair organized a celebration of a year of accomplishment at PIPS Pizza, Pasta and Salad. Approximately 65 local residents showed up and were treated to an evening of socializing, speechifying and great food. President Peter Schulbergwas acknowledged for his successful efforts in helping to pull OPNC around…

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Neighborhood Councils Rush to Spend Before It Ends

The local and statewide budget shortfalls are forcing virtually all government entities to tightening their belts. Among them, Los Angeles neighborhood councils are approaching their budgets as most California redevelopment agencies – spend it while ya still got it. The city is revoking all councils’ rollover funds and is cutting…

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United Neighborhood Neighborhood Council UNNC June 2011

- At the May 5th meeting, The Western Heights Homeowners Associationrequested funds for up to $3,400 for landscaping materials for the three permanent traffic barriers they want to install at Arlington and Western. Resident Dianne Lawrence made the point that the group had not yet raised the $45,000 needed to…

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P.I.C.O. Neighborhood Council June 2011

A visit from Melvin Canas, neighborhood empowerment analyst for the city’s Department of Neighborhood Empowerment, brought clarity to a frustrated Pico Neighborhood Council board at a May 11 meeting. “Neighborhood councils have gone on a dash to spend their budgets,” Canas said. As the board debated a number of previously proposed…

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Olympic Park Neighborhood Council June 2011

  Conversations at Olympic Park Neighborhood Council’s May 5 meeting focused on how fast the council could spend its remaining 2010 funds. Some of the items recently approved for OPNC funding include: - $12,500 for the purchase of trees and maintenance for Korea Youth Cultural Center to plant along Olympic…

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Mayors Proposed Budget for Neighborhood Councils 2011- 2012

The Mayor's office just released the city's 2011-2012 city budget. In the budget he recommends the suspension of the NC funding roll over policy and a 10% reduction in the allocation of neighborhood council funds for next fiscal year.  This amounts to an allocation of $ 40,500 dollars. Below is…

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Mid City Neighborhood Council March 2011

The Mid-City Neighborhood Council’s March 14 stakeholder meeting ran smoothly without many major updates since its February meeting. -  CIM Group Inc. forwarded enhanced drawings of Midtown Crossing to board member Bruce Durbin. -  The council is looking into a parcel where RVs park and into a marijuana clinic on…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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